Does Putting Chocolate in the Fridge Ruin It?

When you have delicious vegan chocolate bars at your disposal, you want to savor every fudgy bite. Despite your best wishes, it may not be possible to eat all your chocolatey treats at once. Not to fear; there are ways to keep it tasty and fresh! It’s normal to want to put chocolate bars or baking chocolate in the fridge or freezer. While refrigeration and freezing can help to preserve many foods, it may not be the best strategy for your confections. So, does putting chocolate in the fridge ruin it? 
January 05, 2023

When you have delicious vegan chocolate bars at your disposal, you want to savor every fudgy bite. Despite your best wishes, it may not be possible to eat all your chocolatey treats at once. Not to fear; there are ways to keep it tasty and fresh! It’s normal to want to put chocolate bars or baking chocolate in the fridge or freezer. While refrigeration and freezing can help to preserve many foods, it may not be the best strategy for your confections. So, does putting chocolate in the fridge ruin it? 

Let this guide answer all your questions about chocolate storage and refrigeration! We’ll explore what you should know about storing chocolate and why keeping your sweets the right way can make all the difference in how you enjoy them. A few of our helpful chocolate storage tips can help them stay fresh for longer. 

Why We Refrigerate Chocolate 

We all mean well when we put chocolate in the fridge. The purpose of chilling chocolate would be to keep it fresh and avoid poor taste and quality. Lettuce and dairy products are some common foods that may need refrigeration to stay fresh, but vegan chocolate bars and chocolate discs for baking require a different storage method to keep them tasty and enjoyable. 

Browse Our Plant-Based Chocolate Bars

What Happens to Chocolate in the Fridge 

You may not “ruin” your chocolate bar or baking chocolate when you put it in the fridge. It’s still edible, and it won’t “go bad” just because it’s refrigerated. However, you should know that chilling it will change the taste and texture of even the highest quality chocolate. 

Cocoa solids and cocoa butter need a consistent temperature to remain stable. If these ingredients become unstable due to temperature changes, the chocolate bar may lose its consistency and flavor. If you’re used to a certain plant-based chocolate and don’t want to be disappointed by the product, it’s better to find out how to store it at its ideal temperature. 

tcho chocolates spill

Reasons to Avoid Refrigerated Chocolate 

Ask any baker or confectioner, and they’ll tell you to avoid putting your chocolate in the refrigerator. You may like the cold and crisp texture, but there are reasons to consider another chocolate storage method altogether. The main motivations to keep your treats out of the fridge include: 

  • Poor taste: When you refrigerate chocolate, it absorbs nearby food odors. Last night’s leftovers don’t belong on a rich and luscious vegan chocolate bar! 
  • Sugar bloom: Moisture is naturally present in every fridge, so condensation causes the sugars in the chocolate to rise to the surface. This is known as sugar bloom or chocolate bloom, which is not harmful but may change the bar’s color. 
  • Rock-hard consistency: A hard refrigerated outer shell can be tough on teeth. You’ll need to use caution when biting down on a dark chocolate bar or oat milk chocolate bar that you put in the fridge. 

Helpful Tips for Chocolate Storage 

Chocolate experts have been perfecting the storage of chocolate for ages. If you want to keep your chocolate bars or baking chocolate in top shape, follow a few simple tips. These are: 

  • Find a cool, dry location: The ideal temperature for storing chocolate is between 65- and 68 degrees Fahrenheit, but you can keep it between 50 and 70 degrees if the temperature stays consistent. 
  • Store it in low humidity: The ideal humidity for chocolate bars and baking chocolate is less than 55 percent. 
  • Keep it airtight: Chocolate bar wrappers may be pretty, but it’s best to store your treats in an airtight container like a zipped pouch or a glass bowl with a lid. 

If you follow these chocolate storage tips, your plant-based chocolate bars and vegan baking chocolate can last for as long as several months. The manufacturer can often give you clues on how long dark chocolate or oat milk chocolate will retain its texture and flavor. 

tcho choco blanco

When It’s Too Hot to Store Chocolate 

Sometimes, you may be in a place where it’s difficult to keep your chocolate from melting. In this case, it’s okay to refrigerate it. Follow a few storage tips to prevent odor absorption and a change in flavor or quality. First, wrap the chocolate bar in tin or aluminum foil. Next, seal it inside an airtight container. Keep it this way in the fridge until you can find a cooler location for your dessert treat. 

Storing Delicious TCHO Plant Based Chocolate 

We want you to store your TCHO chocolate the right way so it will last longer and you can enjoy it for as long as possible. Follow our simple storage tips, and you’ll be sure to finish all your favorite chocolate bars and baking chocolate. From truffle-filled dark chocolate to oat milk white chocolate, the right chocolate storage will help to preserve the treat’s best qualities. If you ever have any questions about how to store your favorite TCHO products, don’t hesitate to email! In the meantime, happy snacking!