Made by Pastry Chef Sophie Gees of Oleana


  • Medium Bowl
  • Whisk
  • Double Boiler
  • Standing Mixer with Whisk Attachment
  • Spatula
  • Quarter Sheet Pan
  • Plastic Wrap
  • Offset Spatula
  • Cutting Board
  • Knife
  • Wire Rack
  • Measuring Cups
  • Parchment Paper

Cooking Time

3 Hours
Makes 16 Servings



For the Chocolate-Olive Oil Coating:

  1. In a bowl, whisk to combine chocolate and oil. Cool to around 85F before enrobing Chocolate Marquis, or store in pints.


For the Chocolate Marquise:

  1. Using a double boiler, melt chocolate and butter together. 
  2. Off heat, whisk in yolks, followed by powdered sugar and cocoa. (If the mixture looks broken, don’t be scared, the sour cream will help it come together!) 
  3. In three additions, whisk sour cream into chocolate mixture. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk, whip egg whites until foamy. 
  4. Slowly add sugar, and whip to soft peaks. In three additions, fold meringue into chocolate mixture. Pour in a quarter-sheet tray lined with plastic wrap. Using an offset spatula, smooth the surface. Cover and freeze.
  5. Pour ¾ cup Chocolate-Olive Oil Coating over frozen marquise. Use an offset spatula to create a smooth, thin coat. Freeze until set. 
  6. Onto a chilled cutting board, flip marquise chocolate-side down. Using a sharp knife dipped in hot water and wiped with a side towel before each cut, score marquise and cut into 24 equal-sized rectangles. Refreeze. 
  7. Place a wire rack over a plastic-wrap lined sheet tray. 
  8. Using warm Chocolate-Olive Oil Coating in a measuring cup, enrobe 5 marquise at a time. 
  9. Transfer the wire rack with freshly enrobed marquise to a separate tray and, before chocolate-oil sets, top with sesame seeds. Allow to set. 
  10. Using a small offset spatula, transfer the finished marquise to a parchment-lined storage container. With the help of the plastic wrap, pour the just-used chocolate-oil back into the measuring cup to re-use and enrobe the next batch of marquise. Remember to re-line tray with plastic each time. Repeat until all marquise are enrobed. Refrigerate to allow Chocolate Marquise to thaw slowly for at least two hours before service.


For the Halva Cream:

  1. Heat combination oven to 350F at 30 percent humidity with fan on high. 
  2. In a food processor, combine halva and butter. 
  3. While processing, stream in milk, scraping down sides as necessary, until mixture is smooth. 
  4. Transfer to a buttered loaf pan. 
  5. Bake 8 minutes, until edges are slightly set and middle is still a bit wiggly. Cool to room temperature. 
  6. Transfer loaf to food processor; purée. Add sour cream, honey, salt, and vanilla, and process until smooth. 
  7. Pour into 1/9-pans and allow to set 2 to 3 hours before use.


In the center of a serving plate, spread some Halva Cream. Place Chocolate Marquise on top. To one side, spread a little Kataif.